Rebirth - From ash to Phoenix
Genre: Autobiography - Testimony
Pages: 380
Language : French
Summary: One day, I started a descent into Hell and I got lost. I tried to leave and I stayed. Fight my demons, try to understand, feel different, be different, fight to finally be myself and get out of it. I have long thought of writing about what I experienced. Unveil me without any shame.
We all have a story to tell. Let me tell you mine.
Discover "Rebirth", the story of a life as dark as radiant with hope and life.
As they are read, readers will be able to discover QR codes to flash using their smartphone. These codes will give them access to appendices (music, photos, secrets ...) hosted on a website created especially for "Rebirth". This site is accessible only by readers in possession of the book and Tipeee contributors.